Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy new year everyone!

Of course I wanted to wish all of you a very happy new year!
Hopefully you all had a nice New Year's Eve! I spent mine with my family, just comfortably at home. I wanted to go to a friend, but I was so tired (I had to work from 8.00 till 16.00) and the roads were kinda dangerous for driving, so I stayed at home. It was nice, the neighbors had some firework and I took a few pictures of that, as you can see.

Now that 2010 has ended and 2011 has started, it's a perfect time for some looking back and some looking forward.

2010 has brought me the most wonderful experience in my life: Peru.
It was so good for me to do what I did there, what we did there, and I think it changed me as a person. I still like shopping and nice luxury things, but when I feel sad, I remember which way people there had to live there, and how friendly they were, and then I realise how privileged we all are.
And since I'm back, I haven't had a single fight with my dad... We used to have a discussion almost every day. But it definitely is a good thing we're getting along with each other even better now.

Honestly I have to admit that 2010 wasn't the best year ever, but I think Peru makes it up for a very big part. I wanna go back!

And now, 2011.. I hope it's going to be a great, lovely and wonderful year. Of course, there will be some problems, but problems are to be solved, aren't they?
In any case, I already made a lot of plans for the next year:

- Going on writing stories  

- Having lots of fun with my friends and my family

- Going to a lot of places where I've never been before (I NEED to go to Paris... I read about the  WONDERFUL and amazing vintage-shops there, like Didier Ludot. They sell vintage Chanel and Dior and  Vuitton! I really have to see it! And besides, I've never been there, it must be so pretty there, and it's not that far away)

- Celebrating my 17th birthday next February (hurray, only two months!)

- Going to the gym more often (of course)

- Being nice and friendly to everyone (except for a few exceptions, then)

- Getting my mom feeling better again

- And having even more fun with all the people I love!

Now, what about you? Have you made some plans for the new year?
Let me know about them ;-)
With love,


Fleur said...

vuurwerk!!! :D
bij ons was het te mistig om goed foto's te kunnen maken, maar ik heb het toch geprobeerd :P
een magisch nieuwjaar :)

Jet♥ said...

super leuke blog!
en een gelukkig nieuwjaarr

Caroline Ergy Erg said...

Pretty fireworks :D hope 2011 is wonderful for you, i'm sure it will be!! xxxxxxxx