Hope you're all doing well, enjoying the summer and being happy!
There's so much to be happy about, there are so many things, beautiful, cute, gorgeous!
We should all appreciate the nice little things, like sunshine, flowers and the fact we have friends and a family and a place to call 'home.'
Today, I went looking on photobucket for some new pictures of Harajuku Girls. I totally like the style, it's so colourful and sweet and cute! (I have an obsession with cute things)
No one walks around like they do over here.
Here, we are afraid of people saying they don't like us, our style or whatever, so we just act like sheep: All the same and if you're different, you're weird, and you're out of the club then.
Which is utterly absurd, if you ask me.
You should just be who you want to be and be proud of yourself! There's only one you, and that's you!
And believe me, you're nice! ;-)
Anyway, I was about to show the new pictures (I'm talking too much again..)

Totally cool, little bit of tough, little bit emo, lots of pink. Nice! n_n
These are called 'Kigurumins', they wear those animal costumes with Manba-make-up. So funny, I'm going to make a Kigurumin-outfit, too. But not fot school, they'd send me home to dress normally if I'd go to school like this. It'll be my Carnival's outfit!
Yeah, peace! Cute jewels, all those bracelets, hairclips and necklaces. And I like those glittery things the left girl had under her eyes, they're not too much, but just a little extra.
What a cute frog! And she's wearing wings, so cool. I really like her shoes, they're Vans with a strawberry print, really cute.

Hihi, cool socks! I like it, but isn't this very hot to wear? I mean, three pairs of socks? Hmm, well, maybe in winter...

Cute girl, all those things around her neck are popgastic!

And here we got Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Lovers! Those puppets are soo cool! I want one! Or two. (A)

And, yeah, this is me. My sister gave me a new Harajuku makeover.

I know, I have to be crazy. But we had lots of fun, and that's all what matters, if you ask me.
So, guess I'm done here..
xx Kirsten