No posting for a week, but I'm back now. With some self-made pictures. My sister Svenne made some of them, too! She's very sweet, she helped me a little.
Today was so sad for her, she fell with her bicycle, and then she broke her glasses, and she had a huge cut in her eyebrow, which had to be stitched by a docter. :(
Last week, I was invited to a sleepover at Dide's, a friend of mine. She turned sixteen and we would watch movies, talk, laugh and sleep in the shed, hihi.
But it wasn't that bad, it was a really nice!
And I made some cupcakes for her =D
I love cupcakes, they're so cute! And making them is easy, and very funny, epecially doing the decoration. They sell all those shiny decorations, adorable.
So, welcome to Kirsten's Cupcake Bakery!

I used my own recipe, but was inspired by this book, 500 Cupcakes.
I made some buttercream, I'd never done it before, and I was a little scared it wouldn't work out, but fortunately, it did! I made it pink, my fav colour and very cute. And then decorate them with all sorts of pink decoration!

ze waren echt lekker.
beetje zoet, maar wel lekker :3
x Fleur
Hehe, looks like you had fun making them.
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