Saturday, March 5, 2011

We're gonna party hardy!

Tonight it's time for carnaval!
I am seeing forward to it so much, just going out, having fun with my friends, wearing a funny costume, dancing to stupid music...

This year I have a costume, which is called "Sexy Scarecrow," according to the label. As soon as I tried it on, I decided that sexy is not really meant for me, and that it's better to keep it on cute instead of sexy. I don't really mind.

As you can see, my younger sister does look pretty sexy... It's so unfair, look at her legs! She is more like a Barbie doll, and I'll always be your baby-doll... (:

We went to Cologne Tuesday, to go to some kind of carnaval-event there. I went last year, too, and it always is so much fun! The music there is way better than it is here and they have funny cabaret and great dancers. It's a wonderful ambience, in fact.
It was too bad that I already was kind of tipsy before it all had started, and that I had to stumble towards the bathrooms, holding myself on chairs and walls or my sister. I threw up in a plastic bag ( I know, bad, but I learned my lesson!), and stayed on water for the rest of the evening, and then it was all fine again.
Another time next year!

And I do have something nice to share with you! You might know I'm working on a story, which went pretty well so far (126 pages by now). But lately it seems like I have lost my inspiration, and I want to write, but it's like I can't. I can't find the words to say what I want to say, they never express it well enough.
But Thursday evening, I started working on a little poem, and that worked out pretty well! It's not the kind of thing I usually write, but I like it, it's light-hearted and easy.

I wish that I could write a story
But my inspiration feels so dead
So now that I can't write a story
I'll write this poem instead!

I write some words about this feeling
And just type straight away
But if it's good or really bad
Is something I can't say

My thoughts keep spinning round and round
And I want to tell them stop!
For the first time since I've started
I find writing is a quite hard job.

But I will find my inspiration back again
And realise it won't ever leave my mind
Now there you have a tiny thing
Of inspiration which makes it kind

One day I'll be a famous writer
And you will take a look
Read and say I must be a genius
For writing such a book! 

Now, that was it... Let me know what you think about it! ;-) 
Now, do you have any plans for Carnaval? Are you going out, or staying at home? Do you love it, or do you wish it is over as soon as it starts?  
Tell me, and enjoy Carnaval responsibly! (I can tell from my own experiences that it's not a good idea to mix up all the drinks and keep drinking Cosmo's, Flügel, wine and beer)
With love,

Please, sir or madam, can you read my book?
It took me years to write, will you take a look?
It's based on a novel by a man named Near
And I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer.
Paperback writer!
If you really like it, you can have the right
You can make a million almost overnight
If you must pretend, you can send it in
But I need a break, and I want to be a paperback writer.
- The Beatles - 


Jet♥ said...

haha wat leuk als vogelverschrikkerr!!

Caroline Ergy Erg said...

Ahh, so much fun! Both your costumes look great :D

dl.blogspot said...

Wow je zusje heeft lange stelten, en zo te zien is ze van haarzelf ook aardig lang??!! Pretty!
Wat zien jullie er leuk uit!!