Wow, right now, nothing could be better as a huge shot of cafeine. A nice cup of hot cappuccino, with lots of milk. Starbucks, is possible.
Too bad Starbucks isn't possible right now. And because I don't like our Senseo-coffee, I will have to find another way to get my energy.
It's so strange (and annoying, too!) I'm always tired when the temperature drops a few degrees.
I can go to bed at 8.30, and sleep till 10 in the morning, but I still feel so tired!
I want it to be very hot, very sunny and very holidayish.
I love going on a holiday, it makes you feel so different. And, I can't help it, but summer brings me to a very happy, romantic mood.
What brings me to a new question.
What your absolute holiday-feeling?
Shopping in the big city? Feeling hot sand under your feet? Skiing in a winterwonderland? Watching the sunset at the beach? Swimming with your friends? Smelling the sea and the hotness?
Tell me!
We need to keep the ultimate holidayfeeling, so just take 5 minutes for yourself every day, think about nice things, and relax!

1 comment:
liggen genieten in de zon terwijl een knappe neger bovenop me zit en mijn rug masseert :P
ik volg je, trouwens.
x Fleur
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