Like I said before, time goes so fast! The only difference is, last week, I wanted time to go faster, and now I want it to be sunday forever.
Oh, well, tomorrow I'll see all my friends again and so on, and our first PTA-week will start next Friday, so we don't have to be at school whole day long.
And I do have to say that I've had a nice week.
At first, I thought: ''Oh, yes, one nice week of doing nothing, just relaxing and some shopping.''
Guess I was wrong.
The last schoolday, I wasn't even at home before my Dad called. A friend of ours has a cooking-studio, and they give cooking-workshops for groups. There is a guy who normally works there, but he wasn't available this week, so if I could come and work there this week?
I said yes, of course I did, I don't mind working there, they're friendly and I get paid well.
So I worked Friday, Monday, Tuesdayand Thursday, which means I have to do the dishes, clean the kitchen and stuff like that. Always happy to go home and finally go to bed after working, but okay, I gained some money!
Which I was intended to spend Wednesday, when we went shopping in Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf is a big city, lots of bussiness, lots of Japanese people and lots of expensive shops.
I only bought a black baret (H&M), and the latest Bravo.
So, it was a bit of a disappointment, but okay, now I know it's not worth going another time for me. I prefer Cologne.
Friday we went shopping again, we actually wanted to go to Maastricht, but we changed our minds and went to Aachen (Aix-La-Chappelle).
I like it there, I know all the shops and the streets and the restaurants, and still I always find new things there!
And this time, I did find some things worth spending my money on!

I also bought one for Anna, but I haven't given it to her, I'm going to do that this afternoon, so shhh! (I really hope she doesn't read my blog before she gets it xD)
Hope she'll like it!

And this one was even better, 'cause this is the Moonlight Collection, a limited edition, inspired by... Twilight!
It couldn't be any better!

But these ones are perfect for me. I wanted leather boots, no heels, and that wrinkly-effect, and these have it all! :D Bought them at Leone, a very cool shoe-store.

So I did, and I'm happy I did it. I adore my pendant, I'm wearing it right now and I can't stop playing with it. It was worth the working and the saving, that's for sure <3

And yesterday, Vicky organised a birthdayparty. It was fun, we went for a walk in the fields in the dark. On Halloween! Would be a great horror-story plot, eight young girls walking in the dark, lonely woods of Wijlre xD
But nothing happened, we all survived and we didn't find any corpses, so... =P
And after that, we watched The Green Mile, and that was such a sad movie... It made me cry, that big black guy was so sweet, and it was so unfair he died!
But, enough talking for now, I'm going to pack my bag and ask my Dad to drive me to Anna ;-)
Enjoy your Sunday!
xoxo, Kirsten
P.S.: Are you already counting down days untill the release of New Moon? I am!
dat cake-ding is zó leuk!!!!
hoop dat Anna m ook leuk vind n__n
x Fleur
I wish that I wasn't so lazy and that I would go get a job after school. T__T I'm glad that yours is working out for you and that you can enjoy spending your money!
My whole class is counting down for the 'New Moon'! It's written up on our classroom wall!
je hebt oranje/zalmroze haar :|
dat kan toch niet
verf het bruin
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