Wow, what a week! So busy, but so much fun!
At first, I turned 16 last Tuesday, so that was great. Finally 16, so now I'm allowed to go out, to drink alc, and to drive a scooter! (my exam went well, I thought it was harder)
I got a lot of presents, and we went for dinner with the family.
This is my party outfit, inculding my new Prada's! Oh, I love them!
The presents I got from my sisters and parents: earrings, a necklace, a scarf (all matching to the Prada's),
Wreck this Journal, and some money to buy a laptop.
My sister Tjorven bought me this shirt. Oh, by the way, it's 14th her birthday today, so:
'Sissie, happy birthday!'
And Friday, it was party time! No sixteenth brtihday without a Super Sweet Sixteen Party!
It was sooo much fun, I did an Hollywood-theme, very funny, we danced, drank lots of alc and had a good time.
Too bad there was this bunch of assholes trying to ruin it, they were so annoying, smoting berebottles on the street, drinking too much and wanting to smoke pot, asocials.
Everyone was glad when they were gone, it was more fun without them.
The biggest idiots in the world (but my friends, too): Vicky & Stefan
BFF's eternally! (Vicky, Jasmijn, I, Anna)
Some old friends: Jeroen and I. We've been playing in the mudd together and still are good friends.
My tennis-friends, Carmen, Shannen (yeah, twins) and Madou
Anna and Stefanie
Nadja, Dide and Sammy
Jasmijn and her boyfriend Jordy
Stefan, Vicky, Stefanie and Hilde (look at their poses)
Give them an 'aaaahw!'
Jasmijn and her oldest friend and neighbor: Tim
Seems like Benedikt likes Sammy's shoes..
Give me some gangsta: Fleur and Jessy, our other cute couple
I gave Marthijn the Best Smile Award for this one ;-)
Niels, Paul, Jeroen and Tim. (actually, Paul was the only one who was sober all night, which is visible here.)
Ahw, brotherlove: Jesse, Danny and Jordy
Raoul, Benedikt and Robert like dancing (as far as you could call it dancing.)
Laurean and Maud
Jasmijn and Jesse (he should keep his food in next time)
And his tongue, too!
Fleur and I
Okay, we were
slightly drunk..
Danny, Jordy, Jasmijn.
Our 'Party-without-an-ending-crew'.
Some of the presens: The picframe was bought by Jasmijn, she put pictures of us in it, so cute! And I got new headphones for my iPod, heartshaped and glittering, which was perfect, 'cause my old ones are broken. And Anna gave me a skilesson! So cool, that is going to be so much fun!
So, after all, it was a great party, we had lots of fun and I wanted to thank everybody for their presence and gifts, so: 'Thanks, guys!'
xoxo, Kirsten