Sunday, April 24, 2011

We are the children of the flowers

Sunlight, fresh air, sweetness, happiness.
I adore flowers.
I feel so much affection for little children. They are the result of love (well, usually they are, I think these days more accidents happen).
I found my mother's Anne Geddes-book last week, as we were reorganizing our bookshelves. I didn't even know we had that book, but it is so incredibly pretty! She must love children, and I can't imagine how she even came to the ideas for some pictures.

I love smiling babies. It's not that I mind when they cry, but it's just so cute to see them laugh, and to hear the sounds they make! It makes my heart melt like a popsicle in the sun.
Must be nice to lie down in a bunch of roses like this, too...

(Images taken from the book Welcome by Anne Geddes)

My mother worked on the decoration of our house once again, as it's Easter. She took some flowers from our garden, which I really like. It gives a homey feeling to use flowers from the garden.
It reminds me of my childhood as I plucked flowers in the fields or in the garden, which my parents didn't always like. But they let me do it and smiled when I brought them a bouquet of grass with some flowers from the garden and left an almost empty plant in the garden and didn't mind when I ruined my new coat with the moist of dandelions.

This is my mother's latest gain: A painting of a French flowershop. The funny thing was that we both saw it seperately in the same shop, and then she told me she had seen a lovely painting and described it to me, and I said: "Hey I saw that too, it was really nice!"
She bought it last week and it's above our couch now, where it looks really nice.

Now, I think my parents could use some help in the kitchen. Surely, without me the entire dinner is going to be ruined...
No, kidding, but I think they'll like me to help, as I don't mind it because I like cooking.
Happy Easter!

With love, 

Picture yourself on a boat on a river
With tangerine trees, and marmalade skies.
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green

Towering over your head.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
And she's gone.

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.
Everone smiles as you drift past the flowers
That grow so incredibly high.

- The Beatles - 


caitlin and megan said...

So love the painting! What a wonderful Easter Spring Post!

Anonymous said...

oh, how precious. :) x

Elzetha said...

Great pics, honey!Love Anne Geddes!Your blog is very pretty!I m following!Follow back?:)

Ola Kowalska said...

AMAZING photos! loove your blog ;)

illustration poetry said...

so sorry for my lack of visit... hope you've been well :))

i miss that song...

kisses hugs ♥

Marieke said...

Hahaha, wat een leuke foto's!