Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I never said I wanted to be famous

But just imagine what it would be like...

Trips to every place I would like to go. People taking pictures of me as I get ouside. Buisiness class flights. People taking pictures of me and my boyfriend (which I don't have right now, but it comes with the image of being fabulous, of course). Romantic dinner in little cosy restaurants where no one could see us. Champagne. Wonderful suites in fabulous hotels in the middle of the city.

To all my fans,
With love from Paris,

I would be sleeping in a bed filled with pearls.
I'd be able to create everything I wanted to, to make something. Even if it just was a difference...

My life would be made of diamonds and pearls, bright gemstones and sparkling wealth.
Diamonds are a girl's best friends would be my reality...

A house on the countryside, to fly away in the weekends and holidays. Escaping from the stress, enjoying the time on my own or with the people I love.

Taking a swim in my own private pool... Of course with a lovely gardenparty afterwards. Dancing with dried curls in the sun, a nice sound in the background, all my friends there, wearing see-through shawls wrapped around our hips and being together.
We're still the best friends.

Being able to buy whatever I want. Clothes, accessoiries, a lovely bag. Stylish photoshoots in the magazines. Vogue. Harper's Bazaar. Vanity Fair. Glamour. It's mine.

Gucci, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino. Chanel, Vuitton, Louboutin.
Free samples. A bag named after me. A movie premiere, a red carpet and a wonderful dress. It always looks better with a bright smile, and I've always been able to take care of that at least.

Smiling is the key to beauty. It's healthy, and a healthy inside lights up the outside. So now my little tip:
Take a look in the mirror. Twitch your lips and pull them up as far as possible. 
Show some teeth and smile, smile, smile!
See, that's not hard at all!
Next, try with your friends, that's way more fun.
With love, 

They are gonna put me in the movies.
They're gonna make a big star out of me.
We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely
And all I gotta do is act naturally.

Well, I bet you I'm gonna be a big star.
Might win an Oscar, you can never tell.
The movie's gonna make me a big star,
'Cause I can play the part so well.

Well, I hope you come and see me in the movies.
Then I'll know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally.

- The Beatles - 


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous collection of beautiful things. Love that first pic too.

ellie said...

I wish you the best on all those travels! wow, love the fab items in the fashionables pic.

Jet♥ said...

Wat een geweldige foto's!

Maddie said...

Lovely pictures :D

I use to always want to be famous but then a friend and I gatecrashed a celebrity party, they were all dull, shallow, starved people!

Sick by Trend said...

haha OMG what a pool! :D



AVY said...

Money and fame doesn't always make it all!

http:// mymotherfuckedmickjagger.blogspot.com

Piril Maria said...

This is wonderful.
