I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Eve and Day!
I had, at least. Yesterday, we celebrated with my Mum's family, her parents Lily & Heinz, her brother Robert and his girlfriend Maria, and her aunt Roos and uncle Albert with their son Lars. I really like all of them, they're so cool!
It's always so much fun when Robert and Lars are there, they're 36 and 31 years old, but they act like they're 17, and my sister Tjorven and I always laugh our asses of when they're around. Maria is a very sweet girl, too. She's only 24, so it's a bit like I have an older sister.
We all bought presents for each other, and my parents made a lovely dinner. They love cooking, and it seems like I've inherited that passion, so I helped them.
I got great presents, I'll post pictures of it this week, I just don't feel like talking about them right now.
And since it still is Christmas, I feel like talking about... love?
Because that's what Christmas is about, isn't it? About being with your family and beloved ones, caring for each other, and having a good time!
So, my wish for this year: LOVE.
Though love IS everywhere and always, it's just a good thing to think about it and appreciate what you have.
And four wise men told us before: All you need is love.
(I think you know who I mean, don't you? A little hint: John, Paul, Ringo, George)
So, this year I wish for: love for my family, love for my friends, love for what I have, love for what I don't have, love for what I might get one day, and much, much, much love for YOU, my dearest reader.
Love Love Love... <3
(And of course, it's never too late to wish for a little snow!)
xoxo, Kirsten

P.S. : Too bad Robert Pattinson/Taylor Lautner/Joe Jonas wasn't standing at my door to surprise me yesterday... Well, there's another day tomorrow, and I could always put it on my wishlist for next year! ;-)
1 comment:
kirsten, nog een hele fijne kerst en nogmaals bedankt voor je leuke kerstkaart :)
zo te horen heb je een hele leuke kerst gehad; ik ook, dus zijn we beide gelukkig meiden :P
ik heb mijn liefde al gevonden, maar ik weet zeker dat jij jouw liefde ook ooit zal vinden. vertrouw me ;)
nog een hele fijne vakantie!!
xx Fleur
(foto zelf gemaakt trouwens?? :O)
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