Friday, April 29, 2011

It's an ambiance.

We like to enjoy little thing in life. A good glass of wine, a nice conversation and being together at dinner time. The wine flows abundantly and it's a nice evening.

Dinner starting out slowly with something fresh.

A sweet desert. Our fingers and lips are red and juicy and we slush each other's noses with whipped cream.

A glass afterwards, my own kitchy apron, thinking about things we did and said. It sure was fun.

We had a dinner at a teacher's house yesterday. We're going to Rome in two weeks with that very same group, all the students from my Latin class. Different people made a course, and I made the appetizer with Lisa, and the desert with Lisa and Yannick. We had fun cooking, and the result was pretty good, even though I'm the one to say.

I like everyone who is going, so it's certainly will be awesome, and Rome is said to be very beautiful, so I'm really seeing forward to it. I've never been there, so it's going to be a nice (and sunny, hopefully) surprise. We talked about the trip yesterday, we laughed, we drank wine (only one glass, of course), and then we did the dishes together.
It was such a nice night! 

With love,

Roll up.
We got everything you need.
Roll up for the Mystery Tour.
Roll up.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Roll up for the Mystery Tour.

The Magical Mystery Tour

Is hoping to take you away.
Hoping to take you away.

- The Beatles - 


ellie said...

I so love the table setting! Such yummy food! Looks like a tastey drink too!

ivy's closet said...

So lovely. What a fine time it must have been.

Anonymous said...

So romantic! Yum..too.