Long time no post, I know, but somehow, I just wasn't inspired, even though the sun shone. Maybe that was the reason, though, it was too lovely to stay in.
Today it's less sunny, it's been raining for a while, but the sun is starting to come out again.
Perfect for staying in, having a comfortable place to sit and write something, while listening to music. I randomly put on the CD-player and found my mother's ABBA CDs were in it, and it has a certain charm. I especially love the song
Our last Summer, because it reminds me of love as it should be: easy, lighthearted and pretty. And I love the scene in
Mamma Mia!, when Colin Firth sings it with his guitar on the boat.
But anyway, what I was getting at, was that I'm feeling pretty comfy here. I found the kitchen is a perfect place to be. I love the lightness of it, my sisters's mess that always lies around there and it can be as isolated as you want. Kitchens should have something homey in them, and I think ours does well on that.
I like being at home. I like living. Sometimes I can't wait to design my own place, to create a new home. But then again, the home I have right now is good enough, for now at least.
Home is where I live with my parents and my sisters, where we have fun, where we can sit in the garden, swim in the pool and where we have dinner together. It's where friends and family always have been and always will be welcome, no matter how many they are.
Home is where we sometimes have a total mess, which is not that strange, with six people living there. But we are all trying our best.

Home is where it is warm and soft, where I can hide under the covers, where I can sleep tightly and have the most beautiful dreams.
Home is where it is sweet, and where I know how to use the oven to practise in making perfect cupcakes, where the rooms are filled with the sweet smell of apple pie.
Home is where the little details make the picture complete.
It's where I don't mind walking around in my pajamas, with the shirt inside out, or with messy hair and no make up. They'll love me any way ;-)
Home also is where I'm on my best writing. I've written some things at other places, but it somehow feels too personal to use someone else's "space" for writing. I do best at home, I think, and who could ever feel sorry for that?
I wonder what my own house will be like in a few years. I wonder where I'm going to live, and with who. Of course, I do have some ideas/dreams/fantasies about that, but still...
I wonder if it will be like the place I live in now, or completely different. After all, I also felt great in Peru, which was nothing like home. People are flexible, is all I can conclude from that. And as long as I have friends with me, people I love, I will be able to make the best out of every situation.
It's the only thing we can do, isn't it?
With love,
I'd like to be under the sea,
In an octopus's garden in the shade.
We would be warm below the storm,
In our little hide away beneath the waves.
We would sing and dance around,
Because we know we can't be found.
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden, in the shade.
- The Beatles -