Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Let us tumble through fields filled with flowers

Take my hand, let me hold yours. Take me to all the places that I wonder, to all the places I've never been. Show me all your colors, let me taste the sweetness, and feel it all inside.
Hold me high in your arms, whisper the words I long to hear.
It'll feel like home then, so natural...

Show me how colors fade, watch the sunset on the beach. Let us dive deep under water and see mermaids with shiny tails and braided hair.

Canto el ansia de estatua que persigues sin tregua         
el miedo a la emoción que te aguarda en la calle.
Canto la sirenita de la mar que te canta              
montada en bicicleta de corales y conchas.
Pero ante todo canto un común pensamiento
que nos une en las horas oscuras y doradas. 
No es el Arte la luz que nos ciega los ojos.
Es primero el amor, la amistad, o la esgrima.

I sing your restless longing for the statue
your fear of the feeling that awaits you in the street.
I sing the small sea siren who sings to you
riding her bicycle or corals and conches.
But above all I sing a common thought
that joins us in the dark and golden hours.
The light that blinds our eyes is not art.
Rather it is love, friendship, crossed swords.

From: Oda a Salvador Dalí, by Federico García Lorca

Let the flowers grow wildly, follow their natural paths. It will be as it has to be, and it is as it is.

They'll grow over our heads, reach to the sky. Take me up there, I want to get higher whenever I'm in your arms, as I feel when you stroke my hair. I could lie there in your arms forever, just staring at the sky...

It'll be our own magical place, a place like home. It will be familiar every Spring, when the leaves come back to the trees again and the sun enlightens the world.

There will be flowers everywhere...

It will look like it's been there for a hundred years. Like it belongs there. Maybe it really does. We'll belong in that fairytale world, just like you belong in my arms and my heart belongs to yours.

Now, please, give me space to think, to speculate, to philosophize, and to rearrange my blurry mind. You messed it up completely, and therefore I love you.

Set me free, let me go whenever I feel like going. I need my freedom, I need fresh air to breathe. I wanna fall and tumble and fall again, but I don't want to touch the ground. Make me feel like I'm flying.

But above all, make me even happier than I already was. I can make my own base of luck, I can brew it in my mind, but I need you to complete it. For my own made luck will match your elixir or happiness, mixed up they'll make a sweet venom called love.

Let us search all the forests, the deserts, let us climb every mountain and we'll find all the treasures life made for us. They're there to be discovered.

Oh, what I would give to escape, to run away and explore. 
There's gold in the air and diamonds in the water, and only you and me.
Isn't that enough?
Yes, it is. It's enough for forever. 

With love,

Well on his way, his head in a cloud
The man of a thousand voices, talking perfectly loud.
But nobody ever hears him,
or the sound he appears to make
And he never seems to notice
But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down.
And the eyes in his head see the world spinning around.

- The Beatles - 


Anonymous said...

You, dear, are so so pretty. I am jealous!

Jet♥ said...

ziet er gezellig uit!

ellie said...

Amazing pics! Love your pin you are wearing too!

Jet♥ said...

hihi dankje!
Ik hoop het!

Zin om mee te doen aan mijn give-away?

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous! & so are you and your outfit. Love the bracelets!

Anita said...

Beautiful photography :)
- http://xtheperfectmess.blogspot.com

Maddie said...

pretty garden and pretty photos :)

Maryse said...

Lovely pics!

BB said...

Nice blog !!!! Lovely photo !!



Sick by Trend said...

beautiful those flowers! great color! :D

